A blog in honour of Movember
Although the beard has made a major comeback in popular culture, the moustache still seems to be hanging in the, um, fringes of fashion, and still treated with a modicum of irony.
The annual Movember charity event has been a big boost for the fringe-dwelling facial fur, but it seems the only time of the year when the moustache becomes popular. Still, it’s a great event. We in the currency history trade, however, know that a moustache is never out of fashion.
Because money has always reflected a nation’s history and its historic leaders, currency has remained a showcase of the finest moustaches. Simply put, there are a lot of moustaches (and beards) on money. Admittedly, most of these moustachioed icons have been dead for the better part of a century, some for several, but this does little to dim the elegance and dignity of a good moustache.
In promoting Movember, and to honour this rather tarnished example of men’s grooming endeavours, we would like to present some of history’s great moustaches—as seen on bank notes from around the world.
The Museum Blog
New Acquisitions
By: Paul S. Berry
The Canadian financial system of today is diverse… A little known but once prolific system member was loan and building societies. These firms made loans for the construction or purchase of property against mortgages as collateral.
New Acquisitions
By: Raewyn Passmore
Everyone loves getting presents, and we’re no exception. We recently received a very exciting donation of 50 silver coins. The collection was purchased in Lima, Peru, at an estate sale in the 1950s.
The Adventure of Exhibit Planning IX
By: Graham Iddon
Our little team from the Museum stood in the education space of the Sherbrooke Nature and Science Museum on a chill November morning while the exhibition technicians assembled our finished exhibition. Yes, finished.
An Exhibition Installation
By: Graham Iddon
You could work in the exhibition-fabrication business all your life and still run into things you wouldn’t expect: a never-ending series of “uh-ohs.” It’s one of the things that makes the job so interesting and demands a high level of creative problem-solving skills…
New Acquisitions
By: Raewyn Passmore
What do you think of when you think of money? Is it coins? Is it bank notes? Three-hundred years ago people weren’t sure bank notes were really money; it took a long time for them to get used to the idea.