Social studies
February 18, 2022
Canada and the global economy
Explore Canada’s connections to the global economy. Adjust timelines and filters in our online game to view historical data of gross domestic product, trade, foreign investment and immigration. -
February 18, 2022
Your role in the Canadian economy
Play our game to discover how your economic profile compares with those of other Canadians. Explore population and employment data and spending habits across different regions. -
September 2, 2021
Virtual Worlds. Real Economies.
The economies in modern, complex video games can teach gamers a lot about decision making and financial literacy. -
August 19, 2021
Fur Trade Economics
Over its 350-year lifespan, the Hudson’s Bay Company has had an enormous impact on Canada’s economy and how the nation was settled. -
June 15, 2021
Pirate treasure
Have fun making pirate coins based on historical examples from our collection and create your very own treasure chest. -
June 3, 2021
Value is in the Eye of the Consumer
Supply and demand is part of the very bedrock of an economy. It's what generates the price of any product or service. -
May 5, 2021
All About Money
Virtual program: Get your students talking about money with this lively and interactive virtual classroom presentation. -
May 4, 2021
A Canadian Central Bank: The History of the Bank of Canada
Learn about why the Bank of Canada was created and how it continues to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canadians. -
February 26, 2021
Playing with Economy
There might be only a handful of basic game formats, but there is an infinity of variations—a surprising number of which require the skills we need to manage our daily economic lives. -
February 11, 2021
Money: Past, present and future
Explore the history of money in Canada and around the world using an inquiry approach.