Consult these brief articles explaining various topics related to the Bank of Canada's core functions.
Latest explainers
- What does the Bank of Canada do?The Bank has five main areas of responsibility that affect Canadians’ everyday lives. […]
- How is the Bank of Canada run?The Bank of Canada is a Crown corporation that is run independently from the government. […]
- Is the Bank of Canada independent from government?The Bank of Canada is a Crown corporation that is owned by the federal government, but we are separate from the political process. […]
- Understanding quantitative easingQE is a tool that encourages spending and investment—helping us to achieve our inflation target by stabilizing the economy. […]
- What is a central bank?A central bank works to promote a country’s economic stability and its citizens’ financial well-being. […]
- Understanding seigniorageAt the Bank of Canada, we cover the cost of day-to-day business with “seigniorage,” which means earning money from issuing bank notes. […]
- Understanding our policy interest rateAt the heart of the Bank of Canada’s monetary policy is the target for the overnight rate. See what it is—and what it means for you. […]
- Understanding the output gapThe output gap is the difference between what an economy actually produces and what it would produce in an ideal world. […]
- Understanding productivityHigh productivity helps raise our standard of living and keep our economy competitive. […]
- Understanding the consumer price indexThe consumer price index (CPI) tracks how much the average Canadian household spends, and how that changes over time. At the Bank of Canada, we use it to target inflation. […]
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