It’s right there in the title—The Economy, Plain and Simple: Plain language. Complex concepts made as simple as possible—thanks to the efforts of our economists and a supporting cast of communications professionals. The results are short, quick reads, with engaging visuals, all on a mobile-friendly platform—so you can read them on the go.
Latest articles
- Price check: Inflation in CanadaWhy prices change, and what it means for the economy. […]
- Learning more about Indigenous economiesIndigenous businesses make a valuable contribution to Canada’s economy, but we still have much to learn about what makes them distinct. […]
- How high productivity helps fight inflationHigher productivity helps keep prices down and wages up. It gives workers more money to spend and increases the value they get when they spend it. And it allows businesses to weather cost increases without having to raise prices. All together, these factors drive economic growth. […]
- What drives up the price of groceriesWeather, energy prices, and labour and import costs all contribute to higher grocery prices […]
- What labour force participation tells us about the economyLabour force participation tells us how many people are active in the labour market and how many have dropped out of it. It is just one piece of a larger puzzle, but it is essential to understanding what is happening in the labour market overall. […]
- What you pay for at the pumpSeveral factors help set gasoline prices: the costs of crude oil, refining, transporting, retailing and marketing gas, as well as taxes. […]
- How higher interest rates affect inflationWhen the Bank of Canada changes its policy interest rate, it affects every part of the economy – but that does not happen all at once. Learn more about how raising and lowering interest rates takes effect through the monetary policy transmission mechanism. […]
- Exploring global value and supply chainsThe things we buy come out of complex production chains that span the globe. Understanding these connections is crucial for today's economies. […]
- Canada’s regional economiesStrength from diversity […]
- Household differences and why they matterDifferences in income, wealth and debt across households are important—for the economy, for the health of the financial system and for monetary policy. […]
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