November 23, 2017
The Bank of Canada Museum Goes International
Every year the conference of the International Federation of Finance Museums (IFFM) draws museum directors from five continents to a get-together aimed at sharing best-practices and keeping up with the latest trends in the world of financial museums. This year was the Bank’s first opportunity to attend the conference with a museum in fully-operational mode. -
October 23, 2017
A Curator’s Favourite Task
I have several key responsibilities to meet the requirements of my job. None of them is more gratifying than conducting research about the incredible artifacts in the Bank’s collection. -
September 12, 2017
How’re We Doing So Far?
It’s all good, and we couldn’t be happier with our first few weeks of business. -
August 2, 2017
Coin designs of Emanuel Hahn
In 1934 the Department of Finance invited Emanuel Hahn to submit a design for a silver dollar to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V’s reign. -
July 11, 2017
Our Grand Opening…
After four years of plans, worries, setbacks, successes and sheer hard work, the Bank of Canada Museum opened its doors—on Canada Day, right on schedule. -
June 22, 2017
Museum Reconstruction - Part 8
The last few stragglers among our artifacts are ready for installation and the interactives and digital labels are bulking up with the final software and data, in them, so it’s all there, functional and looking fantastic. -
June 16, 2017
The Yap Stone Returns
For us, its removal from the Garden Court dramatically marked the Currency Museum’s closing. The big stone’s return now performs the opposite role for the new Bank of Canada Museum—heralding its opening. -
June 9, 2017
A New Ten on the Block
In a modern twist, Governor Stephen S. Poloz took a “selfie” while holding a C150 note before meeting up with the Honourable Ginette Petipas Taylor for the main photo op. -
May 30, 2017
New Acquisitions
Although never released for circulation, these two pieces were part of the first official initiative to mint coins in Canada. -
April 21, 2017
150 Years Since Confederation
Canada’s cultural and regional diversity is a key part of our nation’s identity. However, it’s an enormous challenge to represent such concepts on a 7 by 15 centimetre piece of polymer.