September 28, 2015
Merchant scrip from Labrador
Before banks were established in remote regions of Canada, paying employees involved shipping currency long distances into wild and often lawless locations. The alternative to this risky enterprise was for the company to issue its own money. Called scrip… -
September 15, 2015
The 2015 Commemorative $20 Bank Note Revealed
It’s a historic day for us as well. It isn’t every day that the Bank of Canada introduces a new commemorative note. -
September 9, 2015
Frontiers Series $20 Commemorative Note
This note was issued on 9 September 2015 to honour Queen Elizabeth II as the longest-reigning sovereign in Canada’s modern era. -
September 8, 2015
Canadian Landscape Series $1 Commemorative Note
This special note was issued in 1967 to celebrate the centennial of Canadian Confederation. It is a variant of the $1 bill from the Canadian Landscape series of 1954.