October 5, 2018
For teachers: Designing a bank note that reflects Canada
Explore the design of Canadian bank notes. -
October 2, 2018
Canada Financially Comes of Age
The First War Loan included bonds in denominations of up to $100,000. They matured in ten years and paid interest at 5 percent. -
October 1, 2018
#AskACurator Day 2018
What would you ask a curator? Your chance was September 12, when the annual Twitter event #AskACurator Day took place on computers, tablets and mobile phones all around the globe. -
August 30, 2018
Happy Birthday, Dear Bank of Canada Museum!
A little grade 8 math revealed that, since our last full year of operation, we have increased Museum attendance by 91 per cent (pause while the audience claps). -
June 13, 2018
Unpacking the Collection 8
Dora’s work is as familiar as the change that jingles in your pocket. In all likelihood, you have come in contact with her work while using coinage to pay for your morning cup of coffee. -
April 18, 2018
New Acquisitions
To distinguish the new production from that of 1936, a small impression was added to the reverse dies, creating a raised dot on coins struck from those tools. -
March 14, 2018
The Bank-NOTEable Woman is Here!
Even if you’re not familiar with Viola Desmond’s story, it will likely become clear that the theme of this note is human rights and social justice. -
February 27, 2018
Unpacking the Collection 7
Canadian waters have also claimed their fair share of treasure ships. -
January 30, 2018
Before the Erebus
Now you might wonder just how a museum specializing in economics and currency expects to interpret the history of a legendary arctic explorer—through money, of course.